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From Pros for pros: medical ERC courses



From Pros for pros: medical ERC courses


Target group: The following courses have been designed specifically for medical staff.

NLS (Newborn Life Support)

The NLS course conveys the fundamentals of resuscitating babies during and immediately after delivery. The course is aimed at all medical staff, independently of their discipline or status. The praxis-oriented course enables the participants to assess the condition of a baby during delivery and, if required, to take the necessary steps in order to save the life of a newborn.

ALS (Advanced Life Support)

The ALS course has been designed for professionals in the medical sector and familiarises the trainee with the evidence-based reanimation guidelines and competences. The ALS course intends to convey a standardised approach to the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation of adults. Participants will learn, amongst other things, to identify causes of a cardiac arrest, to recognise a deterioration of a patient’s general condition in time and to cope with the consequences of a reanimation.

EPILS (European Paediatric Immediate Life Support)

The EPILS resuscitation training is aimed specifically at medical staff, who is looking after children, but who is not part of a resuscitation team. Candidates will learn to deal with severely ill children and, in particular, to detect and treat the arrest of oxygen supply while waiting for the resuscitation team to arrive. The course includes:

  • Identifying a severely ill child
  • Assessing and treating respiratory and circulatory problems (including artificial respiration)
  • Scenario-based training for the treatment of critically ill children in the first minutes
  • Basic life support
  • Using a defibrillator
  • Dealing with suffocation
