6 compelling reasons to join Luxembourg Air Rescue today.
By supporting Luxembourg Air Rescue, you contribute to saving lives through quick and efficient aerial interventions, which are crucial in medical emergency situations.
As a member, benefit from free repatriation from abroad in case of a medical emergency, wherever you are in the world, fully covered by LAR.
Our dedicated team ensures personalized care from your first call until your return, with qualified staff and even home medical follow-up if necessary.

With a state-of-the-art fleet, LAR ensures optimal patient transport over long distances, offering continuous observation during repatriation.
Unlike other organizations, your call is immediately handled by our alert center, ensuring immediate humanitarian assistance without delays or redirection to foreign centers.
As the leading operator of rescue helicopters and air ambulances, LAR is ISO certified, ensuring top-tier medical quality, efficiency, and safety.
Become a Member
Be safe anywhere in the world
We save lives by providing aeromedical assistance and repatriation services worldwide.

No, LAR is a private humanitarian organisation, which is financially supported by its membership fees and donations.
- LAR provides its members with a personalised and professional service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our members and patients are “our raison d’être”. Unlike commercial assistance companies, our own qualified staff answers your emergency calls instead of ending up in an anonymous call-centre in another country. Our team takes care of you from your first phone call up until your return home.
- No price ceiling, no advance payment and no age limit. You can benefit from the LAR the worldwide repatriations of patients, if LAR has received the first payment of the membership fee at least 1 month before the first request for repatriation.
- LAR is specialised in the organisation of medical air transportations, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
LAR could not exist without our members. As a member, you are contributing to LAR’s existence and supporting the air rescue services in Luxembourg, while, of course, benefitting from our offered services. An always ready to take-off fleet of helicopters and aircraft along with its skilled and trained crews come at high costs. Qualified staff, available 24 hours a day, guarantees high-quality emergency services. As LAR member, you help us maintain the air rescue services, which are beneficial to you and all the patients we have already saved. By way of showing our appreciation for your important support, LAR offers its members free repatriation worldwide in case of a medical emergency.
Of course you can. You can simply fill out the on-line form. After payment of the membership fee, the LAR membership card will be sent to the address of your choice (to you personally or to the beneficiary) in a dedicated gift envelope.
As the membership fee is not a donation, in principle it is not deductible from your taxes. Upon request, we can nevertheless provide you a membership payment certificate.
LAR offers special membership fees for some Luxembourgish trade unions. For further information, please contact us by phone +352 353 48 90 06.
As a company, you can of course support the LAR by means of a “Corporate Membership” and pay the fees for your staff. For more information, please contact us by phone +352 353 48 90 06 or via email .
You can become a member if your real and main residence, occupied on a continuous basis, is on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Greater Region and other countries listed in General Conditions. As such you can take advantage of our repatriation services. In the event of a medical emergency abroad, you will be brought home to your nearest hospital.
We have opted for long-term membership cards. As long as the annual membership fee is paid, the card is valid. We will, however, gladly issue a new membership card, if yours has been damaged or lost.
The initial membership, and thus the first period of coverage, shall take effect 1 month after receipt of payment of the annual membership fee by LAR. The period of coverage shall end the following year, on the last day of the month following the month in which the payment was received, unless the subscriber has renewed his or her membership by paying a new membership fee for the following year. For example, for a membership fee payment received on 16 March 2020, the period of cover will begin on 16 April 2020 and end on 30 April 2021. Renewal of membership shall not take effect until LAR has received payment of the annual membership fee, and shall generate a new affiliation card.
A LAR family membership is available to any couple, whether married or not, heterosexual or homosexual, if they officially live at the same address. It also covers all children of the household younger than 18, or dependent adults (over 18) with no personal income as well as students (in this case, a study certificate is required). A family membership costs €129 a year.
You want to declare a new-born child? If you already have a family membership, you can simply call us and indicate the name and date of birth of your child. If you wish to change your single membership to a family membership, you can easily fill out the modification form online.
If you have moved, you need to fill out the form indicating your new address: Modify member data. In case of a separation, divorce or death, please contact us by phone or mail.
Luxembourg Air Rescue is integrated in the Luxembourgish medical emergency system and thus also carries out rescue missions for non-members.
In case of a medical emergency abroad and the need for repatriation, LAR checks your membership by using your name and date of birth. Thus, you do not need to carry your card with you; hence only one card is produced per family membership.
You need to keep in mind that a quick and efficient repatriation from abroad depends on the communication between doctors (the treating physician abroad and the LAR doctor). In case of a medical emergency, you therefore need to go to the closest hospital first in order to receive initial treatment.
You will be able to find more details about how a repatriation works via: Different stages of a rapatriation.
Rules and guidelines on how to behave during helicopter missions are indicated on: Rules and behaviour during a helicopter landing.