And suddenly everything was happening very fast

Laure Elsen
While we were on vacation in Avignon, our 2-month-old daughter Mia suddenly got sick and needed to be hospitalised immediately due to severe weight loss. At this time, it didn't even occur to us that we would need Luxembourg Air Rescue to bring us home. Only after the doctors there strongly urged us not to take Mia home in our own car, we called LAR. Even though it was on a legal holiday that we called, they put everything in motion to help us. Since Mia had become very weak in the meantime, the LAR doctor decided to take her directly to Luxemburg with the ambulance jet. We didn't have to worry about anything. LAR took care of everything we needed and my daughter and I were taken to Luxemburg in LAR's LearJet the next day. My family and I recommend that everyone should become a member of Luxembourg Air Rescue.